Sinar Mas Land Takes Part in Anti-Drugs Campaign to Support BNN
Monday, September 27, 2021 7:19 AMBSD City, September 26, 2021 ー Indonesia keeps declaring war against drug distribution and abuse among its citizens. To do so, the governmental National Narcotics Agency (BNN) of Banten and Sinar Mas Land have launched an anti-drug campaign in BSD City and its surrounding areas.
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In the campaign, Sinar Mas Land delivered a presentation on the country’s national strategy of Drugs Prevention, Eradication, Abuse, and Distribution (P4GN) called War On Drugs: Ayo Bersatu Perang Melawan Narkoba untuk Mewujudkan Banten Bersinar (Bersih dari Narkoba). The 15-second video presentation was played in two videotron locations, ICE and Jalan BSD Grand Boulevard intersection. Both locations were deemed suitable thanks to their strategic positions in BSD City and high traffic. The government’s endeavor in raising awareness against drugs requires everyone to step in and take their parts to combat drug abuse and distribution together.

According to Corporate Affairs Division Head of PT BSD - Sinar Mas Land Dony Martadisata, Sinar Mas Land has been very supportive for BNN’s anti-drug campaigns as those are in line with the company’s tagline, Building For A Better Future.
“This campaign shows our commitment in creating a better generation of youths, by assisting the government in fighting against drugs that can potentially ruin the future generation. The video hopefully helps inform and educate the community, especially the youths, about the danger of drug distribution and abuse.”

BNN in addition has never stopped educating people about P4GN everywhere to create drug-free cities and regions, including BSD City and its surrounding areas.